Friday, December 7, 2012

Daylight Is Just a Push of a Button Away Thanks to the LED PL Lamp

Some say that there is no such thing as brighter light than sunlight, but they have not seen the LED PL lamp which has the capability to provide you with a strong, bright, light that will make you wonder if it is made by men or brought from Heaven.

Of course it is not because we all know that God created natural light, but man invented artificial light and he did a very good job. Forget about the times when you had to work for days and nights behind the desk, but you were terrified by the taught that conventional light will damage your eyes. Thanks to the development of LED technology, you are now able to turn night into day without damaging your vision.

The human eye is intolerant to variations of light and when using conventional lamps many users complained that their vision suffered great damage and had to visit ophthalmologists to get treated. The Led PL bulb is a wonder of engineering because it can provide a constant flow of light that can be set by users to fit their needs. Not only that, but you can choose the color of the light and the limit is your imagination. This can be better seen in live music shows where performers use a variety of LED lamps that mesmerize the audience and this can only mean one thing. If they were able to do that on stage, this means you are able to do the same thing in your own room.

The difference between a normal lamp and a Led PL bulb is that the latter is using LEDs, which are known for their advantages. The design of the lamp can vary and can be custom made in any shape you desire. Producers are more than willing to offer customers the best experience and no idea is impossible. If you are the conservative type or just don't want any fancy designs you can still find a variety of pre-made lamps of different voltages, shapes and colors. In present days this technology is being used in many industries like and in all kind of places where light is needed. Surgeons are especially happy with these lamps because during surgery it offers the perfect amount of light and they can see and work a lot better.

Thomas Edison was a great inventor and he predicted that the future will be full of crazy things like gold plated cars, but he didn't think for a second that his greatest invention will one day become obsolete and that the LED PL lamp will become mankind's favorite mean of obtaining artificial light. No one can accuse Mr. Edison of nothing, he did his best with what he had, but people who are complaining about eyesores or headaches caused by inefficient and harmful light must know that the old light bulb may be harmful for them on the long term. The smartest thing one can do in this case is to switch to a more user friendly Led PL bulb.

What You Need To Know About Skylights   What Are The Benefits Of Having Wall Lights In The Bathroom?   The Importance of Selection When Shopping for Lighting   Using LED Lighting As Showcase Lighting   

Using LEDs for Your Home and Garden

LED lights can be used for a wide variety of applications around your home and your garden. The save energy and space, so here are a few ways to incorporate these handy little lights in your home, garage, kitchen and yard:

Driveway Lights

Is your driveway always dark when you come home at night? When you drive up, having decent lighting is crucial to your safety. Use LED lighting products to line your driveway. They are especially handy when you have little space and few electrical outlets available in the area. You even have the option to use solar powered, motion detection or battery powered lighting for this application.

Security Lighting

Not just your driveway and garage, but just about anywhere around your home that is accessible to outsiders, are great areas to consider adding lighting for security purposes. Adding more lighting around your home is proven to deter crime. Think about it, if you are a burglar, you want to choose the easiest place to rob. If your home is well lit, even when you aren't home, the chances of someone seeing a trespasser around your home is much higher if it is well lit. Criminals want to target homes that are dark and won't draw attention to themselves when they are lurking around the place.


Every pathway around your home, especially the ones that are well traveled like the path from your garage to your front door, can be dangerous to navigate in the dark. You can easily install LED path lighting that only requires the power of the sun to be lit. Solar powered lighting is especially advantageous when the area is not commonly used, but you still want to add some lighting.


Your garden can benefit from lighting in its pathways as well. Not just for navigation purposes, but also for aesthetic reasons. You can show off your beautiful flowers or that massive watermelon you have growing. Solar powered lights are especially effective for this area, since they should get a good amount of sun during the day and last quite a while during the night.


Your garage can be a dangerous place. Make it safer by lighting it up. Even if you don't have many electrical outlets in your garage, you can still use LED lights that are battery powered. Use them for all the little crevices where you are storing your items to light up and see what you are looking at.


Your closets are the #1 place to consider using LED lighting in your home. Closets in most homes rarely come equipped with any lighting. Your hall closet, bathroom closet or room closet can be dark with no lighting and that may make it difficult to find what you need. Use battery powered LED lights to light up those closets.

What You Need To Know About Skylights   What Are The Benefits Of Having Wall Lights In The Bathroom?   The Importance of Selection When Shopping for Lighting   Using LED Lighting As Showcase Lighting   LED Strip Lighting - Choosing the Right Product For The Job   

LED Replacement for Showcase Fluorescents

Do you currently have fluorescent lighting installed in your showcases and display counters, but feel that they are not producing the light quality that you need? Perhaps you just want brighter, clearer light, or perhaps you are looking for lights that can operate well at any temperature or that can operate for long periods of time without generating excessive heat or that won't become likely to burn out with prolonged use. Whatever your reasons for considering an alternative to your current lighting, you will find that an LED replacement for showcase fluorescents can be a great idea.

Fluorescent lighting was once considered the best form of lighting available when it came to display shelving. It is brighter than incandescent lighting, easy to work with, and certainly better for colder cases. Fluorescent lighting also offers the ability to purchase longer bulbs that provide light over a much larger area. Today, however, LED replacement for showcase fluorescents can make a world of difference. With LED light strips, you can still choose light that covers the same amount of space, but you gain many additional benefits at the same time.

With LED replacement for showcase fluorescents, you will find that you can get light strips that fit existing T5 fluorescent sockets, or you can purchase LED strips that are custom made to fit the exact dimensions of your display counter. Whether you want fixed or flexible strips, you can find the right length to ensure that every inch of your showcase is well illuminated, eliminating shadows and really showing off what makes your products unique. With these strips, you will also gain the benefit of lighting that works in any temperature and that does not generate heat or have a tendency to burn out after being used for a long stretch of time.

There are many benefits to upgrading your fluorescent lighting. When you choose LED replacement for showcase fluorescents, you will find that you can eliminate not only the humming sound of fluorescent lights, but also the unnatural yellowish or bluish tint that they produce. LED light is incredibly natural in appearance, and it is well renowned for its ability to closely mimic natural sunlight. When showing off the finer details of your products is important to you, LED lighting is definitely an option that you should consider very carefully.

The bottom line is that LED replacement for showcase fluorescents simply makes sense. You will find that these lights make it easy to create a more natural look while also greatly reducing your electricity consumption and expenses. LED lights are incredibly low maintenance and are environmentally friendly. It is rare for a new lighting option to come along that is as great for your bottom line as for your lighting needs, and considering that LEDs lack the hazardous mercury found in CFL and many other lighting options, it is certainly important for you as a business owner to consider all of the benefits of upgrading your lighting to this new technology.

What You Need To Know About Skylights   What Are The Benefits Of Having Wall Lights In The Bathroom?   The Importance of Selection When Shopping for Lighting   Using LED Lighting As Showcase Lighting   

The Nations, Israel and Christ

The bigger picture

There was a much bigger picture than Israel, namely the nations. God declares in Isaiah 49:6 that it was too small a thing for His servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and restore the preserved of Israel, but He would also make Him a light of the nations so that Gods salvation would go to the end of the earth.

Israel Not forgotten

This does not mean that God had forgotten Israel as verse 14 - 17 reads, "But Zion said, "The Lord has forsaken me, And the Lord has forgotten me." "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. "Behold I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands; your walls are continually before me."

Israels failure

God declared He would redeem Israel through His servant (Isaiah 49:5) who would bring back Jacob to God, in order that Israel might be gathered to God. However, he would not only redeem Israel but the nations. Israel had failed to be a light to the nations as God had commanded them (Genesis 18:17-18, 12:3). They had failed to fulfil their great commission to bless the nations and reveal God's righteousness (Isaiah 48:18-19).

Christ becomes the centre

Gods servant, namely the messiah became the focal point, the one who would not only redeem Israel but the nations, so that all men whether Jew or gentile would be saved through Messiah (scripture). Not of works so that no man may boast (Ephesians).

Christ fulfills all promises (the gentiles grafted in)

God grafts the gentiles in so that "salvation may reach to the end of the earth" and Israel is therefore enlarged as a result. Christ fulfils the promises given to Abraham that in him that "all the nations of the earth shall be blessed", his descendants become like the sand and offspring like grain. In Abrahams seed (Genesis 22:18) that is Christ (Galatians 3:16), all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.

Christ redeems Israel

Christ is sent to the house of Israel to redeem her through the cross and a new commission (or previous commission made able by Christ) is given to Israel (disciples, the Israel of God - Galatians 6:16), Abrahams descendants (Galatians 3:29), through Christ (Abrahams seed) to be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:6, Matthew 28:16-20).

This was also spoken of beforehand by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 43:8-13 where he says that "all the nations have gathered together" (Pentecost). God then declares "you are My witnesses" (Acts 1:8) "and My servant whom I have chosen, in order that you know and believe me, and understand that I am he." Christ chose the disciples (one new man, the commonwealth of Israel) similarly as God had chosen OT Israel to witness that He is the only true God.

This does not mean Israel is replaced; it is expanded in Christ by adding nations/gentiles into its commonwealth.

To make Israel or the Jews centre would be wrong. To emphasise one group or race over another is anti-Christ. Hitler's Arian race would be one example of an attempt to glorify one race over another. Our goal and focus must be on the centrality of Christ. This does not mean Israel has no importance in history, present time or future. Without the Jews there would be no salvation for "salvation is from the Jews" (John 4:22).

Christ is Israel

To emphasise Israel or to emphasise the church (with a motive to replace Israel) can often separate the God of Israel and Christ. Christ however is the God of Israel and if you will accept, Christ is Israel (Isaiah 49:3). For Christ is Abrahams seed, he is God's promise who fills and fulfils all things.

Dr Constable's commentary on Isaiah 49:3 describes Israel and the Messiah as follows:

Yahweh called His Servant Israel. Israel would indeed prove to be an instrument of God by which He demonstrated His glory, but in the context, the Servant appears to be an individual. Messiah was Israel, in that, He was the personal embodiment of ideal Israel, what the nation should have been but never attained. Furthermore, He was the Prince with

God that neither the nation nor its namesake ever fully became. When God referred to His Servant as Israel He was referring to the Servant's function, not His identity. Throughout this book we have seen that the nation Israel was not able to carry out her function of being a light to the nations because she was blind, deaf, and rebellious. God would provide an individual to do what the nation had failed to do.

"Faced with Israel's failure, God does not wipe out the nation; he simply devises another way in which Israel's servanthood could be worked out: through the ideal Israel."

(Dr. Constable, )

Hosea and Matthew provide further evidence for Christ being Israel:

Hosea 11:1 1 When Israel was a youth I loved him, And out of Egypt I called My son.

Then Matthew directly quotes Hosea:

Matthew 2:13-15 13 Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord *appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him."

14 So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. 15 He remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "OUT OF EGYPT I CALLED MY SON."

Israel (the nation) is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end which is the Messiah. Israel therefore is a means to Christ. Similarly as the Law leads and points us to Christ so does Israel. Israel is not ended in Christ, Israel is fulfilled in Him for Christ is Israel. He is the fulfilment of all that Israel was called to be.

Christmas the Religious Day Observed By Both Christians and Non-Christians   Shuffled Priorities   Shutting the Door on Shame   There Is A Civil War Coming In The Church!   Dorothy We're Not in Kansas, Christians We're Not in the OT   

Neuroscience, Madness or Christianity

I am deeply concerned about how secularism and atheistic humanism are influencing the way our new generation of young people think. I am not merely concerned about the shifting balance of conservative influence in institutions of higher learning. I am talking about the implied 'junk status' of humanity in general through an atheistic and humanistic view of neuroscience in a setting of evolutionary anthropology, as if this was scientific truth. Now, those who promote these beliefs are certainly entitled to them, just as I hope there is still some freedom left for me to challenge them.

· Darkness Descending

In this article I am urging it is now time to wake up to this new reality that would slowly immunise us to the dark chaos to which it is inevitably leading. And believe me, this is no joke - this is a clash of kingdoms - of darkness with light. This is where once the "true light [that] is already shining" (1 John 2:8), the light of Christ in the gospel of God's grace that gave our Western foundations of law, freedom, justice and compassion, is being extinguished. I am talking about recovering a biblical Christian view of human life and responsibility.

· Ultimate Futility Implanted in Minds

There is no doubt that this is an issue of vital public interest at the present time, when disturbed minds are able to inflict so much violence on others.

In the eighteenth century one of the shocking social evils that England's William Wilberforce worked so tirelessly to rid the world was the slavery of the black African person. Indeed, there are still forms of slavery around today, one of which is how spurious science is degrading and dehumanising so many people.

Now, under the cover of science the ultimate futility of human life is gripping people more insidiously than metal chains or psycho-active drugs. These ideas are taking hold on peoples' minds and destroying a sense of value and the beauty of human personality. My title is not suggesting three separate options but that without a clear biblical framework for understanding our humanity, people will find the study of neuroscience dehumanising, depressing, or even disturbing.

· Values have Vanished

Under the cover of modern medical science - neuroscience is being given an interpretation controlled by beliefs which are offered as if they were authoritative science, but which are grounded in secular ideological beliefs, quite independent of genuine science. There is now no concept of objective moral wrong - anything you do is simply the complex chemistry that you are reduced to, as it interacts with your own environment, where all your personal objective meaning and value are lost. I am reduced to being my genetic stock, food and my environment. Everything is ultimately trash, including myself. So, how can I be blamed or punished for something over which I had no control? I couldn't help it could I?

If secularism continues to permeate society, our values and our judicial system, the revolution is well under way where behaviours once considered deserving of serious penalties are progressively normalised until we reach a point where instead, the big offence will be the criticism of the new status quo - the new normality. If you destroy the roots of responsible thinking and action and believe you have no moral choice then chaos and destruction descend, as in the totalitarian regimes and destructive revolutions of the past.

· Determinism Smashes Your True Significance

Francis Schaeffer saw this clearly, "The Reformation confronts us with an Adam who was, using twentieth-century thought forms, an unprogrammed man - he was not set up as a punch card in a computer system. One thing that marks twentieth-century man is that he cannot visualise this, because modern man is infiltrated by a concept of determinism... People today are trying to hang on to the dignity of man, and they do not know how to because they have lost the truth that man is made in the image of God. He was an unprogrammed man, a significant man in a significant history, and he could change history" (Escape from Reason, IVP, 1968, p 24).

With advancing secularism, people have lost all thought of God, the living God of Judaeo-Christian Scripture as the final reference point, and instead, they think they are a sufficient reference point - but then can never be sure - never, and they are caught in this anguished dilemma trying to anchor the validity of their reason in itself and never upon the infinite wisdom and reason of God.

· Uncertain Future of Law

And so, you have thinkers like Sam Harris and his cerebral neurones determining our behaviour in such a way that the US system of law may well begin to get concerned for its survival, "The great worry, of course, is that an honest discussion of the underlying causes of human behaviour appears to leave no room for moral responsibility. If we view people as neuronal weather patterns, how can we coherently speak about right and wrong or good and evil?" (Free Will, Free Press, 2012, p 48). Now Sam Harris wants to hang on to a theory of social responsibility, but he has no adequate foundation for it.

With this view, just as Schaeffer saw a generation ago, people are bewildered over their loss of significance, where they are merely complex models conditioned and manipulated by their electro-chemical circuitry. With this level of reductionism, forget all thought of moral accountability to the God in whose moral and rational pattern we have been made! At best we are left with a humanistic concept of social behaviour, where the ruling class determine the norms.

· Meaningless

The tragedy is that when people turn away from who they really are there is nothing left but meaningless suffering, absurdity, depersonalised shallow relationships, despair and madness. I use the term "madness" to cover a terrible sense of absurd meaningless, not medical insanity, although some people may have become insanely meaningless to themselves in their escape from God, the source of life, peace and rational meaning.

The more I ponder atheism, the more I am persuaded that its claim to be the pinnacle of scientific wisdom and its hostility towards any who disclaim it, are marks of a huge cover, a pseudo-religion masquerading as "science", concealing an insidious denial of its most terrible fear - that the uncreated I AM, the living God of biblical theism is the ONE whom they ultimately confront, even now.

· Collision

The future of societies once built on secure foundations is at stake. We face a collision of world views. One is based on scientific materialism, supported by naturalistic philosophy, which depersonalises humanity and loses objective moral responsibility. While the second position, that I advocate, of biblical Christianity, shows us the truth about our wonder, our uniqueness, our noble grandeur and our shameful fallenness. And gives the final answer for genuine moral guilt; a true objective forgiveness and peace with God, on the basis of the one sacrifice for REAL moral failure, accomplished on the cross by Jesus the Saviour, the eternal Son and Lord of all - what love! This is the only way out of the dehumanising chains of secularism and atheism; the only way to recover a peaceful, ordered society. Turn and trust him today.

Then with Christ as your Saviour, you will be able see neuroscience in the wider context of revealed truth; our unique persons with objective responsibility created in the pattern of God's own moral and rational being, redeemed by Christ for the eternal praise of the God of grace.

Christmas the Religious Day Observed By Both Christians and Non-Christians   Shuffled Priorities   Shutting the Door on Shame   3 Steps to Find Rest When You're Weary   

History of the Protestant Bible: Introduction to the First King James Version Available in Chinese

Dear Christian Believer

You hold in your hands the first true Protestant Bible ever printed in Chinese. Though the Protestant Bible first arose in Europe in the 16th Century during the time of Martin Luther, it is just now coming to China. The history of the Protestant Bible distinguishes it from all other Bible versions available today, as the most accurate, the most loved, and the most spiritually vindicated Bible of all time. This is the Bible version used by Martin Luther, by William Tyndale, David Livingston, John Bunyan, and Jonathan Edwards. This is the Bible from which Charles Wesley preached his sermons, and so did John Knox, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Hudson Taylor, William "Billy" Sunday, William "Billy" Graham, and William "Billy" Branham. This is the Bible through which revival fires have been lit in nations all around the world for hundreds of years, saving souls through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the Bible trusted by the Reformers to counter the false doctrines of the Catholic Church, and every other wind of false doctrine that has arisen through the centuries. In the history of the world, no Bible version has been more mightily used by God to spread the gospel, edify hearts, and save souls. And for almost 400 years, this was the only Bible version available to the Protestant church.

Underneath its translation into various languages lies a Greek text known as the Textus Receptus. The history of the Textus Receptus itself is remarkable. Church history reveals that God watches over His Word, and the progress of Bible versions parallels the anointing of God upon different ages. In the 1382, John Wycliff translated the Bible into English from the Latin Vulgate. But Latin was not the original language of the New Testament, Greek was, and it was necessary to go deeply into this language to create a truly accurate Bible. The Textus Receptus, written in Greek, arose in the season when God was anointing Reformers to restore the true Gospel to the church, lifting it out of the gross errors of the Catholic church through the Dark Ages, from 312-1520 AD. One of the earliest and best known of these Reformers was Martin Luther, who challenged the Catholic church with a list of 95 Theses, nailed to the door of the Whittenburg Chapel in Germany, on Oct. 31st, 1517 AD. Up until that time the Catholic church was able to succeed in spreading false doctrine because the common people did not have access to the Bible. Printing was a long and arduous process done by hand, and those Bibles that did exist were kept in churches and printed in Latin, which was a dying language. With no Bible by which to check what the Catholic Church was teaching, the masses were deceived.

But when God by His grace inspired Martin Luther to challenge these false doctrines, another scholar named Desiderius Erasmus was already working to create a single accurate Greek Bible, from the best ancient greek manuscripts available. Erasmus compared these to the Latin Vulgate, which had been the standard bible of the church for over 1000 years. Erasmus was correct to consult the Vulgate, because it had been translated much earlier, in the 4th century by St. Jerome, who had access to much older manuscripts. Still, Erasmus was not afraid to deviate from the Vulgate, when the preponderance of manuscript evidence argued against it. Erasmus was aiming for "majority" readings, those found in the greatest number of existing manuscripts. Combining the best of these sources, the Textus Receptus was created. This would be the first Greek Bible to become widely distributed, and it arrived at precisely the right moment in church history.

Erasmus spent his life on this project, examining the best Greek texts in existence, filtering out readings that were deviant and untypical, and collating them into one Greek version. Its completed name, "Textus Receptus" means: "received text," or "that which is agreed upon." He continued improving this version for years to come, updating it no less than four times, as more Greek manuscripts became available for consultation, and feedback from readership pointed out slight errors and improvements. This Greek Bible was printed using the newly developed moveable-type printing machine, which allowed many copies to be printed quickly. It was this Bible that fell into the hands of Martin Luther, and the many Reformers who surrounded and followed him. These learned men, many of whom were also adept in Greek as well as Latin, were well qualified to check Erasmus work against the original sources, and confirm it to be an accurate record of what the original Apostles had handed down. The "Textus Receptus" was in fact, "agreed upon," by the Reformers. They chose this version for their translations, and they took this Bible to the world.

In the years that followed, Reformation scholars translated the Bible into the languages of the world, using the Textus Receptus as their starting point. Translations were made into French in 1534, Dutch in 1558, Swedish in 1541, Spanish in 1569, Danish in 1550, Czech in 1602, Italian in 1607, Welsh in1563, and English numerous times. No longer would the Bible be confined to Latin, or locked up in churches. Every man could have a copy of the Bible in his own language, and could trust that he was holding an accurate copy of God's Word, translated from the very languages in which the Prophets and Apostles had written it.

For centuries to come, Bibles based on the Textus Receptus became the standard in many lands, there was no other version. The most famous English Version, and by many accounts the most successful Bible of all time, was named the King James Version. The King James Version was translated into English from the Textus Receptus under a commission funded by King James of England in 1611, by a team of 47 scholars. Included on this team were the best linguists and scholars available, and it is sometimes claimed that the famous playwright and poet William Shakespear was consulted. These men were able to translate the bible into English not only with great accuracy, but with great poetry and power, so that the Message of God to men would be as gripping in English as it had been in Greek and Hebrew. History proves that the translators of the King James Version had hit their intended target, for the spiritual results were overwhelming. Every major revival ever experienced by the English speaking world from that time on had the King James Version at its center. God was clearly vindicating and validating the King James Version on the most important proving ground of all: the souls of men.

With so much spiritual success surrounding the King James Version for so long a time, it is amazing that it could ever come into question. But in the late 1800's after the Textus Receptus had proven its worth for almost 400 years, two English scholars began to promote a different idea about Bible translating, and created a different translation. These two men, named B.F. Wescott and H.J.A. Hort, became intrigued with some newly discovered Greek manuscripts. One, named the Sinaiticus, was found in a trash can in St. Catherines Monestary in 1844 where it had lain undiscovered for centuries. Another, called the Vaticanus, was rediscovered in the Vatican Library in 1845. What intrigued Wescott and Hort was that many readings in these two texts were different from the Textus Receptus. Since these manuscripts had not been in circulation, they were in fair condition. Wescott and Hort began to wonder if Erasmus and the Reformers had considered the differences found in these manuscripts when the Textus Receptus was created. It should be understood that texts similar to Vaticanus and Sinaiticus were in existence at the time of the Textus Receptus, and the Reformers, anointed to task of the correction of error, had rejected them.

But Wescott and Hort's wondering led to their actually producing a new English translation, which relied heavily on the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. This version, called the Revised Version, was different from the King James Version in thousands of places, changing verse readings, and at times actually omitting whole verses, or parts of Bible verses. Wescott and Hort thought that since the manuscripts they were using were the oldest known, older than the Textus Receptus, they must be more accurate. What they apparently failed to consider was that the Sinaiticus might have been thrown into a trash can for a good reason. Important manuscripts were never treated this way, even then. Sinaiticus is incomplete, and shows signs of having been edited and corrected by up to ten different scribes. Is it not just as possible that the Sinaiticus had already been rejected centuries before as an unreliable text and discarded? As for the Vaticanus, even the knowledge of its existence is due to the discovery of letters from Erasmus to the prefects of the Vatican library that mention Vaticanus, and ask specific questions about it. In other words, Erasmus was aware of Vaticanus at the time of his collating the Textus Receptus, and rejected its readings. Erasmus was aiming for the center, the majority, the readings found in over 5000 existing manuscripts copied through many independent streams, and was not deterred by variant readings in a couple of old and incomplete manuscripts. Yet, centuries later, Wescott and Hort accepted them.

It should be noted at this point that Wescott and Hort were not reformers, they were not anointed to the task of discerning spiritual truth, as were Martin Luther and those around him. Wescott was a Bishop in the Church of England, which was never a part Luther's Reformation, and Hort was a professor at Cambridge University. They did not preach spiritual sermons, as did the Apostles and Revivalists, but rather they gave theological lectures to students and professors. It would be difficult to find one saved soul credited to either man's ministry. Wescott and Hort were neither Reformers nor Ministers, but scholars, probing ancient texts from their offices at Cambridge University, from a scientific rather than a spiritual perspective-and that long after the revival fires of the Protestant Reformation had burned down.

There is a lesson here on the difference between Spiritual Discernment and Natural Scholarship. 1 Cor. 2:14, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." Even an unsaved man can be a "Bible Scholar," but it requires the Regenerating work of the Holy Spirit to have Spiritual Discernment. The Reformers clearly were using Spiritual Discernment, while Wescott and Hort, only applied Natural Scholarship. It is instructive that Wescott and Hort, as well as those who criticize the King James Version today, are ignoring the most important factor in the equation: the testimony of God through history. With thousands of manuscripts available containing many slight differences, it is impossible by scholarship alone to determine the exact words written by the apostles and prophets. But God is not silent on the subject. The bible is a life-carrying book, like a seed. If a seed is fertile, it will grow when planted. So is the true Word of God. If God vindicates a Bible version by making its contents come alive, producing salvation and holiness and the fruits of the Gospel, this is more proof that it is the true Word of God than scholarship could ever provide-but it is only proof to the believer. The believer has faith that God has supernaturally preserved His word through the ages, for the salvation of souls. The unbeliever treats the Bible like any other ancient document.

If the King James Version has been vindicated by God in the fruits that followed it, the Revised Version has had the opposite legacy. In the little more than a century since its publication, not one true Spiritual Revival has ever been kindled around the Revised Version. Rather, scholars have poured over it, arguing over the meanings of words and the superiority of various readings. The Revised Version has been the intellectual plaything of colleges and seminaries, rather than the soul gripping Bible of Salvation and Regeneration. Worse, it has led to confusion in the English speaking world. For centuries, the English speaking church had one Bible underlying their various translations, the Textus Receptus, which all agreed upon. But the Wescott and Hort theory led to translators picking and choosing from different manuscripts and readings to make new Bible translations. This led to the production of dozens if not hundreds of Bible versions, each with its own distinct readings. With no clear standard for the Word of God, the English speaking church was thrown into confusion, and weakened.

In addition, Bible publishing became a multi-billion dollar business. In the West, a "patent" can be issued for an original invention. A Patent is a legal injunction that assures that all the profits from an invention are paid to its creator. New Bible versions are also considered patentable inventions, if they are unique enough. A patent on a piece of literature is called a "copywrite." So if a publisher wants to copyright a Bible Version, he must create one that is "substantially different" from any version in existence. This means that publishers who commission Bible translations nowadays are doing the opposite of what the Reformers did. They are not trying to make their version exactly the same as was handed down from the Apostles, they are trying to make a version that is different enough from the versions around it to be copywrited and sold at a profit. To find these differences, they invent new phraseology, and use variations in the readings, using texts promoted by Wescott and Hort. This is the floodgate that was broken open by the Wescott and Hort theory.

However, the danger of the Wescott and Hort bible was not apparent at its very beginning. There was a season, shortly following its first publication, when it was wondered whether Wescott and Hort had actually improved upon the King James Version. It was at this time, in 1922, that the Chinese Union Bible was created, translated into Chinese from English. The Union Bible was created by English Protestants who at that time were accepting the Wescott and Hort theory, and they translated the Bible into Chinese from the Revised Version, rather than from the King James Version. The Union Bible is not based on the Textus Receptus, which was approved by the Reformers. That is why it is not a Protestant Bible, and also why, until now, China has never had a true Protestant Bible. This also explains the many differences between the Union Bible and the Protestant Bible you hold in your hands.

In this Bible you will find many places where the reading has been corrected to agree with the King James Version, and in some places, whole verses have been added, which the Union Bible did not include. In total, about 400 major corrections have been made to the New Testament, and 1000 to the Old Testament. In addition, about 3000 meaning changes have been made, and about 30,000 other modifications. By these changes, this Chinese Bible has been brought into agreement with the King James Version. An index will be made available on a new Chinese Bible website for everyone to view, listing every change made to the Union Bible. Thus we can confidently declare that this true Protestant Bible, for the first time available in Chinese, is the most accurate Bible China has ever had.

The work of creating this Protestant Bible has not been performed by mere scholars, nor by English missionaries, but by Chinese born Ministers of the Gospel, true believers, who are adept in both English and Chinese. These are devout men, whose testimony goes before them, and whose works follow them, the fruit of the Gospel crowning their lives. They have corrected this bible with Spiritual Discernment, rather than with Natural Scholarship. The leaders of the team that created this Bible have over 14 combined years of experience translating English sermons into Chinese, and have lived in America for 14 years. They are uniquely qualified to do this work, and better candidates, in both ministry and linguistic experience could scarcely be found in all of China. The work has been prayerfully done, and no person has reaped any financial reward for the effort. It has been a labor of love, a gift to the Chinese speaking people of the world, out of a sincere burden that the true Protestant Bible, which has been available in the West for 500 years, ought to be available to the true believer in China also. You may have confidence in this version, confidence that it has passed the strictest of tests-spiritual tests--and is part of a legacy of Bible truth that has swept millions of souls into the Kingdom of God over the past five centuries. It is our sincere hope and prayer, that through this carefully created Bible, you will be blessed, edified, and illuminated in the glorious light of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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